Measure the true radiative efficiency of your optoelectronic materials and devices

EleQuant is a spectrofluorometer designed to support laboratories in the development of semiconductor devices such as solar cells and LEDs. It provides a simple and intuitive way to obtain NIST-traceable absolute emission spectra and quantum yields.
The system can be configured with optical and/or electrical excitation for photoluminescence (PL) or electroluminescence (EL) quantum yield measurements, respectively. Both values can be automatically measured as a function of optical irradiance, voltage/current, and temperature.
A simple semi-automated procedure and warnings guide the operator through the calibration process and ensure that even novice users can obtain accurate results every time.
Download the datasheet here.
- NIST-traceable absolute PL/EL quantum yields
- PL excitation with variable irradiance control
- Seamless fluorescence measurement from 350 to 1700 nm
- Semi-automated calibration procedure
- Automated variation of electrical, optical and thermal parameters
- Remote sensing (4-point probe) supported for all devices
- Maintains accurate temperature, even for all-back-contact devices
- Front contacting possible via probes with magnetic bases
- Multiplexed measurement of substrates with multiple devices
- Protection against condensation from sub-dew point operation
- Double interlocked enclosure with light baffle
- Compliant to laser safety standards
- LEDs / OLEDs
- Display devices
- Laser diodes
- Photovoltaics
- Novel nanomaterials
- Semiconductors
- Paints and coatings
- Rare-earth doped materials
- Quantum dots
- Nanoparticles
Example application
While silicon is by far the most dominant material used for terrestrial solar cells, it is an indirect bandgap semiconductor with intrinsically lower optical absorption and emission than direct gap counterparts. The absolute electroluminescence quantum yield (ELQY) is an important metric for determining the maximum efficiency potential of solar cell materials.
The graph below shows the electroluminescence spectra of a PERC solar cell for a current injection of 500mA (3.12E+18 electrons/s). The number of photons emitted by the sample was determined to be 9.56E15 photons/s, resulting in an EL quantum yield of 0.306%. This value is consistent with that expected for a commercial PERC solar cell.